May 3rd, 2016

I stopped keeping track of Warhammer 40,000 about 6 years ago, when my son's abductors tried to have me charged with libel for reporting his kidnapping. Law enforcement refused to return my son, but we did recover the court order that indicated I was entitled to possession and return of my child.

Because of this fraud, six years later, I still have not met my son who is now 15 years old this May, since his kidnapping at the age of 74 days after birth. I simply cannot go on. Not with Warhammer, or any other project, due to the constant abuse and refusal of the United States to return my child or let me see him. My British counterpart attempted suicide three times this year, leaving in February, as the impact of the abduction and abuse took its toll.

I have no wish to continue the page after the abuse, even though the property is now showing its value in multimedia games this year (2016) for the first time. While I have enjoyed Warhammer 40,000 - the fraud has created a debt of over $50,000 USD against me and collection efforts in violation of Federal Law make it impossible for me to continue in the United States under any job in my home State, with over 70% of my income being taken by the abductors.

Never come to this country (USA). It is a fraud.

I had to trademark my pen name to stop the abusers from using it to continue to steal my identity and defame me in ongoing efforts to damage my prior work. Law enforcement would do nothing. I will never forgive my country. Texas Attorneys asked me for $1000 USD and when I would not pay it, demanded I accept the filing of a false 'temporary order' to cover up the 15 year child concealment and criminal commercial sabotage. After this was filed, they stopped negotiating and refused further contact as of February 10 2016, attempting to demand $29,000 USD from me illegally (15 USC 1673b, Federal law). Their reasoning, "I have never met him so I have no right to see him (my child)."

The abductors put him on Prozac at age 5 to stop his questioning, and then told him I abandoned him and moved out of the jurisdiction without giving the court (or me) notice of the new address. The State of Texas refuses to view this as child abduction or concealment, and claims no obligation to return my child. We attempted to sue the STATE OF TEXAS for failure to enforce the court order, and they plead Sovereign Immunity. It is a fraud. My child was taken from my car during Interstate transport in an agreed move, without warning, after taking $10,000 USD from me for this move to pay off debts conditional to assurance this was agreed relocation as a family - and this abduction falsely entered into DALLAS COUNTY COURT as an abduction where I was then denied the right to enter any evidence or ever face my accuser prior to a DEFAULT JUDGEMENT rendered while I was physically held outside the courtroom by court staff. The court alleges I did not appear, despite their role in restraining me from entry for over half an hour, in criminal obstruction and witness tampering.

Never trust the UNITED STATES. They lie.


January 4th, 2010

So I Skimmed Rogue Trader 2009
And what did I find but the use of the name "Stryx" in the back. Cute. Real cute. Something about a xeno who keeps secrets and looks ugly. Yeah, well...

I see that Games Workshop can't help but mimic the Ferengi of Star Trek with this one, with a healthy dose of arcane mysticism and a little Jar-Jar accent that reeks of British punch-and-judy comedy. We shall see about that.

I've been writing about their material since 1997, and playing since Rogue Trader sold in the USA in 1987. And the reason I stopped work several times is the arrogant uppity colonial pretentious attitude GWUK has for its fans, players, and the game itself. When outriders started telling me I should let kids cheat so they would buy the miniatures, and game design steered away from play to support sales at the cost of existing hobbyists, I got out of the hobby and started working on software for video games. This was 1997, long before GW would license any mature thematic element into video games.

I suppose they are a little jealous, now, after Dawn of War II bombed so badly with poor replay value and Blood Bowl flopped on launch, and Warhammer Online tanked laying off half the team, that they have to try taking pot-shots at my character with ugly little remarks in their half-assed imitation of the classic (1987) Rogue Trader roleplaying game. I've got my own company and my own sci-fi war property in development now, which is hardly as based on prior art as GW's use of Judge Dread shoulder plates, storm troopers, blasters, Terminator-like assassin droids, Protestant-Catholic hate speech, British Naval discipline and English pride in military folly, and copies of "Alien" on the back of the Tyranid Hive Tyrant (epic, 1st edition).

The days I was a fan were old school horror-sci-fi. I'm glad they didn't go bankrupt like FASA, but crass remarks and comparisons to dead animals really do cross a line in good writer's use of terms. It's not like I wasn't hosting the No 1 website for 40K online for several years in college, or didn't miss the letter from Jervis acknowledging my support of the hobby, to think this latest crack is an accidental use of my pen name (1996-2010) in their book (2009).

I've written custom rules to improve the game, been asked if they could be used in tournaments by players, coined terms about 'editions' and phases of GW art and history, and published very non-commercial fan-codex books (when people were being threatened for even writing rules for the game) - which then changed the title use of the official books (because they got the Latin wrong!).

So, for some jackass to imply that my site or my work is stolen in light of how much Games Workshop owes its entire license to other people is probably the worst mistake the company could EVER make. In real life my job relates to advising other companies about intellectual property limitations and rights in competition with firms like GW UK. I have been lax in my duties, apparently, if this is the attitude that publishers at GWUK have taken with my "registered tradename" in their book. Like the failed attempts to trademark "Codex", "Ork", "Eldar", "Marine", "Titan" etc. - this will not end well for GWUK. A few articles on the demonology the 40K game is based on, including blood sacrifices and sexual images in the "Lost and the Damned" books by the firm - and this will be over quickly.

Who are they trying to fool? Parents, or their kids? Dawn of War "Soulstorm" had human sacrifice and soul collectors, torture cages, and women in chains on a battle barge. I would love to see the World market zoom in on those products when we talk about their tournaments aimed at 13-16 year old children, and organization selling to that market. Really... do we want to do this?

House Shadis Founder,
H.M. Stryx

2023 Annual SDA3.ORG Board Meeting (May 29th) - At 6:00 PM CST

House Shadis: 5th Edition
After writing about the Rouge Trader Era (RTE), Red Book Era (RBE), Gold Book Era (GBE), and coining the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd Edition language to characterize each boxed-set release of Warhammer 40,000 in the 1990s and 21st Century, House Shadis is proud to bring you the updated 5th Edition Rules of our traditional House (House Rules). Confused? Used the Official Shadis Timeline for reference.

It will take a few days, but this April 2009 we will bring you updated point values, army stats, and copies of the traditional House Shadis publications compatible with the present 2008-2009 edition main rules of Warhammer 40,000. Such publications fan content and free of charge provided inclusion of copyright to the work and in part or whole a free extension to the existing game by Games Workshop UK as allowed under public domain and the Berne Convention (International Treaty on Copyright).


For our fans, we have kept the old (2nd Edition) rules up including the Codex Shadis, Codex Veremus, Codex Squat, Codex Shadow, and even the old (public use) Titanicus II rules (approved by GW for fans). The rules still work for Rogue Trader Era players, first release codex users, and the like, but modern (2009, 5th Edition) finally meets our -REQUIREMENTS- for cover, quality, and accuracy.

We now recommend everyone upgrade. Look for the blackstone logo with light green text on the cover of new books (see below).
This denotes what House Shadis is calling "5th Major Edition Warhammer 40,000" by our timeline.

All book cover art featured above is copyright © Games Workshop or its affiliates and such use for academic purposes so protected by the Berne Convention and in promotion of the hobby by retailers and consumer review.

We also enjoyed:


Which makes a perfect companion to the above literature for PC and XBox360.

House Shadis 40,000



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Maintained by SDA3 & last updated on 12/06/2005.