IN THE 1990s

December 19th, 2021
11:45 am CDT

"JAMES WORKSHOP" - a legal sham
(21 O.S. 21-1533 alleged crime)

Blackmail Letter Obtained 11/14/2021 and 12/05/2021 extortion efforts to knowingly and clearly infringe on REGISTERED TRADEMARKS of SHADOWDANCERS L.L.C. by "PARADOX INTERACTIVE AP" (Sweden) licensee "RENEGADE GAME STUDIOS" of State of California; and by "WIZARDS OF THE COST LLC" in use of marks taken from the prior registered property for-false-title sale-and-dilution, themed $0.00 loss-leader product give-aways in STATE OF OKLAHOMA to market commercial sales of other products and presume a franchise on the "STRYX" and "SANGUINE" brands there registered marks.

Followed by 12/19/2021 "JAMES WORKSHOP" video on, a GAMES WORKSHOP LIMITED commercial site and distributed via paid FACEBOOK INC. / META promotion prior Christmas.

The Prior appear a themed component of the prior brand infringment activity and letters threatening (21 O.S. 21-1304, in 40 counts November 2021), duly reported for criminal prosecution and 12/15/2021 filed in FEDERAL BUREARU OF INVESTIGATION referral for criminal complaint of commercial fraud (21 O.S. 1341, et al).


Are persons of interest in this organized joint work to disable the Okahoma firm and property themed competitive in "BEYOND WAR", a REGISTERED TRADEMARK of the Oklahoma firm "SHADOWDANCERS L.L.C.";

In-Legal-use sinec 2000 in ICANN record and 1997 "Beyond War: Celestial Knights" game, books (3), and development subject harassment over 2001-2021 in a child concealment fraud and "legal sham" to extort JAMES ARNOLD ALLEN, an estate of the United States, associated with the author "James Allen (Overton)" in the Capital of the Chickasaw Nation.

The Chickasaw Nation former Governor, "James Overton" (1963-1985) known in Tribal Court as "Overton James", is suspected of relation to Robin Overton, mother of James Allen (Overton), and a two-generation child abduction to extort business from the Native American People of Oklahoma;

Portray a theme in this fraud now exposing racism and false trial over 36 months on no EVENT of HEARING or WITNESS ACCESS TO ANY TRIAL contrar a duty of State of Oklahoma and Pontotoc County not met, to produce default judgment themed "SUMMARY JUDGMENT FOR AWARD TO JAMES ALLEN WITH PREJUDICE" filed and sought in the 2001-2021 child taking to blackmail the 1996-1999 author of the "HOUSE SHADIS" website.

The purpose of such blackmail has been consistently to compel surrender of books, copyright, trademark, and other works not derived from tainted GAMES WORKSHOP LIMITED franchise "WARHAMMER 40,000" or its predicessor ("Star Wars", "Star Trek", "Alien" film by Riddley Scott, "IPC / 2000 AD Franchise: Judge Dredd", "ABC ROBOTS", and other properties not credited and fraud in claims of copyright, trademark, and registered trademark evident in documents obtained for evidence by JAMES ALLEN in 2021 December.)

Commecial fraud by "GAMES WORKSHOP LIMITED" appears now evident in creation of the fictional character "JAMES WORKSHOP" by the company to compel dilution of image, identity, and separate provenance of works by SHADOWDANCERS L.L.C. of Oklahoma and its licensees.

The character portrayed by an actor is seen in a video portraying the iconic burgondy leather chair used by SHADOWDANCERS L.L.C. since 1996 in our office media and as used by JAMES ALLEN "STRYX" for work at TWITCH INTERACTIVE INC. from 2017-2021 ongoing commerce spannign 1996-2021;

And such chair even including the same arm design; the actor wearing a jacket in the same style as James Allen, and even has a rotary phone similar to the SHADOWDANCERS L.L.C. phone in use in the 1990s for our analog PBX system main desk. (Device still retained at the Ada Office in 2021, company archive room).

See in this image, applied under academic FAIR USE rule, as evidence EXHIBIT A:

In-Legal-Use Image of JAMES ALLEN, legal licensee of the "STRYX" mark and branding, courtesy RACCOON TECNNOLOGIES INCORPORATED board of directors profile photo.

GAMES WORKSHOP GROUP (LSE: GAW) appear to have only "$71.3 million GBP in net revenue (2020), and $269.7 billion GBP in 2020 fiscal gross revenue," per wikipedia. So this is a horrible mistake, to employ the likeness and name of a prior non-employee writer and host of the top WARHAMMER 40,000 fan site in 1996-1999 in likeness to sell WARHAMMER+ services in fiscal 2021 December without permission or license, following prior infringement and fraud to claim OKLAHOMA REGISTERED TRADEMARK claims in concert with antitrust competitor threats violating XXIII-1A Oklahoma Constitutional Rule.

The whole company (GAW) appears to be worth less than half the minimum ($1 billion) civil suit we would file to recoup damage to our properties and case law on this action, per year. A multi-year settlement up to seven (7) years to make payment would therefore be necessary, but impractical based on their low earnings ($100 million USD/yr in 2020 fiscal). The difference would have to be in valuation of permanent royalties or other commodity in their portfolio that is clear of other prior contest. None of which I could name, given their history.

Patents over this work are clear:

and the SHADOWDANCERS L.L.C. character "STRYX" (Original Art by David Rutledge, of Legalshield Inc.) in use by the firm since 1998 wholly protected mark and literary registered fiction in Beyond War:

I heard about GAMES WORKSHOP writing "bad copy" in Non-Disclosure-Agreement (NDA) terms this year, but I had no idea they had gone this far off-track from lawful verbage to "legal nonsense" and "broad claims over every potential legal theory suggesting all terms used are trademarks in registry in every country in the world". It's "void", just on prima facie, because it is a "false claim" and prohibited in Title 78 Oklahoma Statutes any standing by that scope - section 78-22 specifically.

I haven't even visited or watched WARHAMMER+ content, and only read mention of it on "BELL OF LOST SOULS" notifications in passing.

Now I hate it.

WARHAMMER+ sounds like a competitor based on fan labor and forfeiture threats of our America-based Combat Arms Network HLS Streaming Platform for Deep Layer Inc. CGI franchise titles and products. And using my name (JAMES) and likeness (the coat, the chair, the beard) to promote it after 1996-2021 work is just insulting and absolutely not protected by parody as a real competitor and real product placed by the Irish portrayal of my own 4 year research at TWITCH INTERACTIVE Inc. including my work chair and setting and attire.

I was pleased to hear about the possible release of "SPACE MARINE 2", a video game I played as "STRYX" extensively and to all (100%) achievements obtained, ten years ago. Now I am advising all my friends and family to take any GAMES WORKSHOP products they receive for Christmas or in future as gifts back for a full refund immediately; citing this racist portrayal of my real person in concert with 11/14/2021 threats in writing by a former GAMES WORKSHOP PLC vendor "FANTASY FLIGHT GAMES".

Such sales appear to knowingly and purposefully infringe upon our TRADEMARK in damage and false title sale to the WARHAMMER 40,000 UNIVERSE line using content knowingly taken from BEYOND WAR and purposefully maligned and distributed to damage our existing marks, RIGHT TO WORK (XXIII-1A), and in fraud to aid human trafficking in the United States.

I was willing to believe GAMES WORKSHOP LIMITED not a participate in this fraud, until I saw "James Workshop" this Sunday, December 19th 2021, on my phone when I woke up.

The literaly pile of shit they call a disclaimer on the page expresses the total disregard for all intellectual property and ordinary rights, duties, and notifications now practiced by "GAMES WORKSHOP LIMITED".

I can hardly think of them in terms higher than "TWILIGHT IMPERIUM" author "Christian T. Petersen" of Minnesota, at FANTASY FLIGHT GAMES; with whom I became aware only December 9th 2021 during our investigation of similar products by "WIZARDS OF THE COAST LLC" seeking to employ the "STRYX" sound-alike brand, owl motif character.

By coincidence there I discovered linkage with that family named on a boxed set of FANTASY FLIGHT GAMES to "VERONICA MARIE PETERSEN" (also formerly of Minnesota), a litigant in the fraudulent suit brought Oct 2001 and November 2018 without DUE PROCESS or legal cause, a fraud now under complaint (18 USC §1341) with the Federal Bureau of Investigation as of 12/15/2021 by my office.

The claims that this site was putting out for "GAMES WORKSHOP LIMITED" are absurd and wildly unlawful, overly broad to disqualify them legal standing in all forms, and awful ad copy.

Just look at the actual disclaimer yourself (Image provided under FAIR USE rule):

As a UNILATERAL CONTRACT, the reader can choose "or" and disbar all your rights to a legal theory with remedy on prima facie of construction.

That is because the party enjoined is entitled to choice of interpretation in such device, so voiding your intent to suggest both where one or more cannot apply, in inappropriate use of an "and/or", clause. That is grossly incompetent legal copy of criminal negligence in degree.

I should mention that a "company" cannot employ a "d/b/a" claim, as shown in the "Saul Zaentz Company" aka "Middle-earth Enterprise" claim, claiming representation of "New Line Productions, Inc.". Whatever attorney is doing this for them, is having no legal effect in claims and continues to violate a DMCA notice served on GAMES WORKSHOP PLC by our office, on lawful patent, currently under a complaint of no less than $8 million USD for relief duly obligated our firm in Antitrust Violations alleged against the companies and labor, incorporating taking and concealment of a child to extort legal title and adjudicate intangible property prohibited by 21 O.S. §21-1533 and 21 O.S. §21-1952 terms due relief in State of Oklahoma, an injunction sought and damages.

While we have no grievance with "New Line Productions, Inc." or "Warner Bros. Entertainment Inc.", this representation by a "company" themed "Saul Zaentz Company", as licensor/licensee, for "Games Workshop Limited" would not pass IMPRESSIUM rule in Republic of Germany or "REGISTRATION OF FICTITIOUS LEGAL NAME" rule in State of Oklahoma (USA), to have standing before their courts on claims whatsoever not explicitly and specifically itemized under class and the BERNE CONVENTION subject Title 78 Oklahoma Statute Section 78-22.

Language like "Distinctive Likeness" isn't permitted in the United States other than in non-parody non-satire commercial sale or franchise in print or electronic literature of cartoon/comic characters or persons in books and novels or similar interactive media. It looks like they just cludged this ball of claims together and threw it at the wall, hoping something would stick. Anything that fails to stick voids the entire section at-law in full (Oklahoma Constitution, Article XXIII section XXIII-8 and XXIII-9). Copyright of illustrated characters is a distinct area of law, and cannot be mixed with unregistered, state, or Federal Registered Trademark claims to be legally binding notice.

Characters are copyright protected elements, per "Inherent Rights" (Oklahoma Constitution, Article II section II-2) enjoined upon creation (not registration), and the rule of derived work the standard applied to disceren any claim or Provenance that should suggest other claims or diluted work a property of the original artist in all modification and alteration (whether digital, physical, or derived).

Such a firm must file a "REGISTRATION OF FICTITIOUS NAME" to do business under an assumed name that is not their LEGAL NAME combined with THEIR TRADE specifically, in offers into State of Oklahoma including for sale of goods physically sold here at our two hobby shops.

I already submitted one book for evidence to the case purchased locally, with receipt, to show the "articles import and distribution by vendors" under false title and name, not permitted product labelling in State of Oklahoma and contianing our REGISTERED MARK.

We aren't trying to "Trademark Troll" them. To the contrary, they are clearly not compliant with State and Federal Law, the Berne Convention, and wrongly claiming all elements eligible to be ragarded "as property" to be "their property" in wildly illegal activity subject civil cause of action.

Prior even using "JAMES WORKSHOP" as a name or character in a leather chair identical to the one I streamed in for 2017-2021 "STRYX" business services on TWITCH INTERACTIVE INC., we were hearing "chatter" about illegal activity at GAMES WORKSHOP LIMITED and "GAMES WORKSHOP PLC", which we filed a DMCA claim against as is our duty at law, and such fraud in response filed for enforcement in Federal Criminal Complaint their refusal to comply and sustain this activity in concert with written threats to extort from their admitted "contractor" in illeagl labor activity so attached (XXIII-1A themed criminal threats) that complaint.

I made this website in the 1990s (1995) to enjoy the hobby as "STRYX" then @ CHICKASAW.COM network services, an enteprise of the GREAT CHICKASAW NATION. I never imagined I would have to sue the company to stop them from harassing and stealing from me in a pattern of public threats by their employees, contractors, and public acts in exploitation of my established style and legal name.

I fully understand how "HARMONY GOLD" felt, now. This is absurd conduct by any firm after 1989-2021 work with a foreign indepdent company that was never their EMPLOYEE nor such work, products, or names of registry made "WORK FOR HIRE" transferred or sold to them or any other party for which they might claim provenance.

House Shadis Founder,

born: "James" Overton by Chickasw Tribal Law to Robin Overton and Reo Nichols, in The Chickasaw Nation, INDIAN TERRITORY (USA); now family by LEGAL ADOPTION and Tribal Law to the surviving maternal line to the WITHERSPOON (JOHN KNOX WITHERSPOON, Declaration of the thirteen united States of America signatory)

"H.M. Stryx"

ADA, OK 74820 (USA)
+1 (866) 690-0666*

* All Calls Are Recorded, Oklahoma is a One-Party Call Recording State. Calls are the sole property of SHADOWDANCERS L.L.C. and may be released or disclosed at will of the firm and for law enforcement or any other purpose deemed fit or suitable by the firm exclusively. Regard 21 O.S. §21-1305 and 18 U.S.C. §1342 WIRE FRAUD and §1431 prior use. Distribution of this information elsewhere or in any form not by a court process is prohibited. For Official Use Only, No Solicitation permitted without Appointment prior and written contract or written waiver for use or official LEGAL SERVICE or Court or Barrister Use in a Formal matter subject registration. Governing Law is State of Oklahoma and Pontotoc County solely in all application.

Copyright © 1996-2005 SDA3. Please regard the Copyright & Legal material.
Maintained by SDA3 & last major updated on 12/06/2005.